Bravo James

I must say that James’ presentation was powerful. Powerful because he got to what is elemental, which is, what’s going on inside himself. As he spoke I had the disinct feeling that I was watching the stripping of Lear.
James didn’t say much about what the specifics were, of his dark night, but he didn’t have to. It is clear that the turmoil and wrestling are building a good man.
It takes courage to get real. We saw that in spades today. Bravo.
And I loved that final quote: “There is no darkness, only an obscurance of light…” Aye.

Many fine presentations today. From Camerons’ esoteric musings to Alex’s Deus Ex Machina, the ideas were entertaining and even mind-bending.
Morgans’ idea of the power in viginity was intriguing. Queen Elizabeth may have thought so. But rather conflicting that the very thing that seems to bring power, also deprives. I guess I think I found my power in having children, in a round-about way. At least I found humility and the sense that surrender can be a good thing, a necessary thing. And that empowered me to find the me that emerged when all else was stripped away.
I enjoyed Melissa’s discussion about art and nature and life, that life is redeemed through art. I think so.
Corinne’s idea about disguises was a breath of fresh air. Quite original and also ties into the ‘creation of the self’ that we have discussed.
Matt says Love connects all characters. That’s about what it all boils down to.
Lisa’s Vale concept makes me want to do some reading. And to watch The Painted Veil again–a movie about ‘failure and becoming.’
Nathan’s ideas were well thought out and I think I will read Katt for my edification. Nice presentation.
Becky’s poem was amusing, I had not thought about Shakespeare being like Cleopatra, but yes, I can see it.
And Jon, as mystical as ever, weaving many threads into a profound carpet of thought.
Wish I could write more about each one, but I’ve a paper to finish.

About vosen8

Mom of 5, writer, gardener, student of life. Graduating May--wahoo!!!!!! Then on to Grad school.
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