Now that’s entertainment

Well, Rio’s bloody hands were a bit of theatre magic. And I appreciated the dramatic reading of lines by all. I was grateful that I had not bitten into my pie, prior to the line that revealed its contents…
Amazing what Shakespeare did here, with revenge being so prominent. I can see why he redeemed his final plays. Yiiikes.
Much Ado:
Nathan and Joe’s vocal inflections and facial expressions were hilarious, though really, I have never heard a woman who actually sounded like that…. funny never the less.
I loved the mullets.
What fun! From Taylor’s Gower-like narrative, to Iago’s machinations, it was pure delight. I especially liked the cowslip bandana. And the pronunciation of Desdemon-er.
Nice job.
We are working on our play(group 4).
You will soon meet the ineffable Falstaff…

About vosen8

Mom of 5, writer, gardener, student of life. Graduating May--wahoo!!!!!! Then on to Grad school.
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